Saving Lives Through Education

Created by Jane Reed


Meningitis Now is dedicating fundraising this year to a special project in Alex's name. With the funds raised we will work with the PSHE Association to develop, accredit and make available resources relating to Health Literacy. These will help young people understand how to become effective and independent users of healthcare services before they leave home, and how to recognise signs of serious illness so they can act promptly and confidently if they - or others - become unwell. It isn't easy navigating our healthcare system - registering with a GP, getting a timely appointment, using online systems, and making sure that the most important symptoms are front and centre at an appointment. We have a real opportunity to ensure that everyone is equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence to use health information and health and social care systems effectively, and ultimately, to save lives. Your donations and fundraising efforts will help make this happen - Alex would be celebrating his 30th birthday this summer - and this will be a gift to young people across the UK in his memory.


Additional donations and fundraising

30th April 2024
The following donations have been kindly donated/raised in addition to the total shown on this 'Saving Lives Through Education' page: £25 - Jay and Barbara Perrett [] - 27/01/24 Anne and Graham Taylor [] - 28/01/24 £240.13 – Sebastian (A Tribute To Alex T w/ Adam Pits, aNNA, Dman, Royce Rolls, Zee Hammer) [] 30/01/24 TOTAL = £290.13